Some Facts Related To Indian Preamble.
The preamble to our constitution was inspired by the Preamble to the constitution of the United States of America, which also starts with 'We the people".
1)- In the case of Reberubari V. Union Of India 1960 SC it was held that Preamble is not a part of Indian Constitution but its a key to known the mentality of constitution maker.
2)- In the case of Keshwanand Bharti V. Union Of India 1973 SC it was held that 'Preamble' is part of Indian Constitution and it is doctrine of basic structure.
3)- In the case of S.R Bomai V. Union Of India 1976 it was held that 'Federalism' is a basic structure which was also approved in Minarvamills Case (1980).
4)-K.M Munshi said that ''Preamble Is Horoscope".
5)- Subhash Kashyap said that 'Preamble is as like soul of Indian Constitution".
7)- In the case of Bulaknath V. State of Punjab Justice Hidyatullah said that "Preamble is soul of Indian Constitution".
8)-We the People word was given by 'Rousseau'.
9)-Socialist means- There must be total control on production and providing work according to their capability.
10)-Socialism word was firstly used by August Comte then Robert Oven after that used by Karl Marx.
11)- Secularism word was inserted through 42nd Amendment Act which means there must not be any relation between State and Religion.
12)- Article 14, 15, 16 and 25-28 is related with Secularism.
13)-In the case of S.R Bomai it has clear that state will do anything for religion but without by biased.
14)- In 44th Amendment Act International dispute has been removed and arm rebelion came into light.
15)-In the case of Minorva Mills V. Union Of India it was declare Judicial Review and Unlimited power of cabinet unconstitutional.
17-Republic word was taken from the France.
18)-World's first Republic State- Vaishali ( Likshvi-King)
19)-Liberty denotes of thought, Expression, Believe, Faith and worship.
20)- Fraternity word was taken from France.
21)- The ideals of liberty, Equality and fraternity in our preamble have been taken from the French Revolution, which is also the French Motto.
22)- The Fundamental Rights recognized by our constitution have also been adopted by American Constitution.
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